
A Welcoming Word by the Dean

Faculty of Education,

Providing education in the fields of educational sciences, fine arts, mathematics and science, basic education, social sciences, and languages, we strive to instill national and international values, support interdisciplinary work, and offer an educational environment that enhances students' critical and analytical thinking skills.

We plan student-centered educational activities focused on quality and sustainable development.

With competent and experienced academic staff who are open to learning and teaching, keep up with innovations, and have advanced communication skills, we offer our students quality educational opportunities with the principle that they will be the architects of the future.

Within the faculty and university, we offer minor and double major opportunities, as well as student exchange programs such as Erasmus, Farabi, and Mevlana both domestically and internationally.

We support scientific, social, cultural, and artistic activities and provide opportunities for active participation in these activities and student clubs.

We cultivate individuals who think, criticize, research, develop, produce, have fun, learn while having fun, and teach, and who respect universal values.

We prepare our students for their professional lives with the necessary skills and follow their development even after graduation.

We invite you,

To establish the foundations of sustainable development for lifelong learning and teaching with the Department of Educational Sciences, to understand the philosophical, psychological, social, and historical foundations of education, and to bridge the past and present to illuminate the future.

To embark on a journey into the nature of painting and music that influences the human soul with the Department of Fine Arts Education.

To see beyond numbers, symbols, and shapes with the Department of Mathematics and Science Education, and to bridge the gap between science and real life.

To acquire the ability to see from the perspective of the children who will shape our future with the Department of Basic Education.

To discover the richness of our language, connect our past with our present, learn about our country and the world, and gain a sense of citizenship with the Department of Turkish and Social Sciences Education.

To learn and explore different languages with the Department of Foreign Language Education.

Because the future will be shaped by the teachers of the future.

Prof. Dr. Fatma ÜNAL
Dean of the Faculty of Education